doctor and graduated from the Federal University of Goiás
MD Maria Antonieta Regal Dutra, daughter of Gilson Regal Pereira and Geralda de Angelis Regal Pereira, was born in the city of Ibiá, located in Minas Gerais, on March 21st, 1945. She got married on September 2nd, 1966, and had three children. She was undoubtedly a great mother, always standing by her children and dedicated to their education and upbringing, until all of them were able to follow their own paths.
After having raised her family and they were all independent, Dr. Maria Antonieta resumed her studies: she started her medicine course, and after a few years, she became a doctor and graduated from the Federal University of Goiás, being recognized as one of the best students in her class. In the medicine field, Dr. Maria Antonieta worked as an Occupational health and as doctor on duty. In 1994, Dr. Maria Antonieta was diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer, in late stages.
She fought the disease with all her strength, as was consistent with her personality, and had her doctor and friend, MD Ruffo de Freitas Júnior always by her side. After going through all the medical procedures for the cancer treatment, Dr. Maria Antonieta dedicated part of her time to work on APCAM (Breast Cancer Patient Association), focusing on helping all the women that were also undergoing treatment for breast cancer. Her goal was to improve quality of life, not only for the patient, but for their families as well.
Her work at APCAM helped Dr. Maria Antonieta fulfill her duties as a doctor, duties that she vowed to embrace since her graduation. However, at the beginning of the year 2000, Dr. Antonieta noticed that her cancer had returned, much more aggressively, and after one year of treatment, on February 22nd, 2001, she passed away due to metastatic breast cancer!
Dr. Maria Antonieta’s legacy, both as a doctor and as a person, is acknowledged today, through the “Maria Antonieta Regal Dutra” award, given by the Brazilian Breast Cancer Symposium – BBCS, accredited as the biggest event on breast cancer research in Brazil. The award is granted to people who have spared no effort and dedication in controlling and treating breast cancer in Brazil and worldwide.
É graduada em Medicina pela PUC-RS 1981, fez residência em Ginecologia e Obstetrícia no Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre. Especialização na área de mastologia no Guy’s Hospital em Londres. Doutorado na Universidade de Londres e pós-doutorado em genética e câncer de mama na Vanderbilt University nos EUA. Desde 2003 é Chefe do Núcleo da Mama do Hospital Moinhos de Vento em Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul.
Destaca-se como uma ativista em prol dos direitos dos pacientes oncológicos no Brasil desde a década de 1990. Idealizou o Instituto da Mama do Rio Grande do Sul – IMAMA, fundado há 29 anos, e a FEMAMA que busca ampliar o acesso ágil e adequado ao diagnóstico e ao tratamento do câncer de mama para todas as pacientes e, com isso, reduzir os índices de mortalidade pela doença no Brasil.
Através de sua participação na FEMAMA como presidente voluntária e fundadora, tomou a iniciativa de promover ações em diversas cidades simultaneamente. Em parceria com ONGs associadas conquistou a aprovação de Leis como por exemplo a Lei dos 60 dias que limita o prazo para início do tratamento pelo SUS.
Maira Caleffi fez parte do board de 2012 a 2018 da União Internacional de Controle do Câncer, sediada em Genebra, na Suíça. Estas conexões trazem para o Brasil experiências, projetos e oportunidades em relação ao cenário do câncer.
Destas, podemos destacar o City Cancer Chalenger , uma metodologia aplicada em várias cidades do mundo, que trouxe para Porto Alegre, a oportunidade de participar de um processo para identificar, projetar e desenvolver soluções sustentáveis para o tratamento do câncer, e que respondam às necessidades da cidade, com estratégias definidas em melhorar o diagnóstico precoce do câncer e reduzir a inequidade do acesso. Para dar continuidade ao projeto das cidades, foi fundado o Instituto de Governança e Controle do Câncer, do qual Maira é presidente do Conselho em fevereiro de 2022.