Daniele Assad Suzuki¹, Danielle Laperche dos Santos², Anna Luiza Galvão³, Sulene Cunha Souza Oliveira4, Cristiano de Pádua Souza5, Amanda Guimarães Castro Custódio¹, Romualdo Barroso-Sousa6
¹ Hospital Sírio Libanês|Brasília|Distrito Federal|Brazil
² Hemolabor|Goiânia|Goiás|Brazil
³ UniCeub|Brasília|Distrito Federal|Brazil
4 Liga de Câncer de Natal|Natal|Rio Grande do Norte|Brazil
5 Hospital de Amor|Barretos|São Paulo|Brazil
6 Hospital Brasília, DASA Oncologia|Brasília|Distrito Federal|Brazil
Objective: This study aims to evaluate adherence to adjuvant endocrine therapy in woman with early breast cancer and explore its relationships with patients’ clinical and social characteristics and site of treatment. Methodology: Women with a past history of early-stage estrogen-receptor positive invasive carcinoma of the breast on adjuvant endocrine therapy for at least 6 months were invited to participate of this study. Adherence was assessed with questionnaire MMAS-8. Demographic and clinical information were reviewed from medical records. Data collection performed using RedCap software and statistical analyzes were performed on the software R (R Core Team (2022). Results: From June 2021 to March 2023, a total of 212 patients were recruited in 6 institutions. Median age was 56 years. 29,2% were black. 24,1% were premenopause. 38,2% had stage I disease. 65,1% received chemotherapy. 16,5% received HER2 blockade. Mean duration of endocrine therapy use was 3,7 years. 115 patients (54,2%) used aromatase inhibitors. 24 patients (11,4%) had low adherence, 76 (365) had intermediate and 111 (52,6%) had high adherence to adjuvant endocrine therapy. There is a tendence that more postmenopausal women were classified in high adherence grupo than premenopausal women (55.9% vs 42% p=0,19). There is a tendence that more woman in public service had high adherence than woman in private service (59.3% vs 50.3% p=0.07). There was no difference in adherence in relation to ethinicity, type/duration of endocrine treatment. Conclusion: This study for the first time show that high adherence to endocrine therapy only happens in 52.6% of patients, lower than reported in previous studies. This result draws attention because it can compromise survival. We will continue the recruitment of patients in the private service and in the public service to assess the rate of adherence in a larger population and the relationship with demographic characteristics.
Keywords: Hormone Therapy; Breast Cancer; Medication Adherence