Graduation in Medicine – University of São Paulo (USP/Ribeirão Preto); Medical residency in Gynecology & Obstetrics at USP in Ribeirão Preto, 2004-2005; Residency in Mastology at the Hospital Materno Infantil (HMI/SES-GO), 2006-2007; View More
Mastologist; Director of Mastology at the Women's Hospital.
Training in clinical oncology at Hospital de Base do Distrito Federal. Master in Genomic Sciences and Biotechnology from the Catholic University of Brasília. Clinical oncologist at Grupo Oncoclínicas DF, with a focus on female tumors and melanoma. Associate professor of the medical course at UNICEUB. Member of SBOC, ASCO and ESMO.
Full Professor at the Physics Institute of the Federal University of Goiás. Coordinator of the Thermal Nanomedicine Nucleus. Coordinator of the Center for Integrated Research in Nanomedicine (CNanoMed).View more
Member of the Brazilian Society of Mastology; Director of the Mastology Service of Grupo CAM – Clínica de Assistência à Mulher, Salvador; Director of the Oncology Institute of Bahia; Member of the Brazilian Academy of Mastology; President of the Brazilian Society of Mastology.
Coordinator of the SBM Oncoplasty and Breast Reconstruction Course at Amaral Carvalho Hospital – Jaú (SP)
PhD FM/UFG. Adjunct Professor at UFG. Mastologist HC/UFG.
Physician Graduated from the Faculty of Medicine of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro UFRJ. PhD in Health Sciences from the Paulista School of Medicine, Federal University of São Paulo/EPM-UNiFESP. Mastologist at the Hospital das Clínicas of the Federal University of Goiás HC-UFG.
Spec. in hospital/health psychology, psychoanalyst, psychology service coordinator at the Advanced Breast Cancer Center HC/UFG (CORA), field supervisor, undergraduate and specialization preceptor in psychology. Vice-president of the Breast Cancer Association.
Mastologist and Special Adviser to the Presidency of SBM (2023-2025)
Radio-Oncologist at the Cancer Hospital Araújo Jorge, the Institute of Mastology and Oncology - IMO and CEBROM Grupo Oncoclinicas of Goiânia. Master's and PhD from the Federal University of Goiás. Member of the current Board of Directors of the Brazilian Society of Radiotherapy.
Titular partner of SBM. President of the SBM oncoplasty commission. Master and PhD in Health Sciences by UnB. Preceptor of the medical residency in Mastology at UFG. Organizer of the Theoretical-Practical Continuing Education program in Oncoplasty and Breast Reconstruction of the SBM, at Hospital Araújo Jorge, in Goiânia.
Johns Hopkins University
Mastologist, Master's and PhD from the Federal University of Goiás. Professor at the Federal University of Goiás.
Associate Professor & Head of the Program of Mastology - Federal University of Goias Mastologist at Breast and Gynecology Service - Araujo Jorge Hospital - Goias Anticancer Association
Subject to change
Full Professor at the Physics Institute of the Federal University of Goiás. Coordinator of the Thermal Nanomedicine Nucleus. Coordinator of the Center for Integrated Research in Nanomedicine (CNanoMed). CNPq Productivity Scholarship 1C. Member of the Society for Thermal Medicine, Brazilian Society of Physics and Brazilian Society for Materials Research. He works in the area of Thermal Nanomedicine where he develops nanoparticles for theranostic applications and preclinical studies to evaluate the effectiveness of thermal nanotherapies in the treatment of cancer.