Graduated in Medicine from the Federal University of Maranhão (1996). Adjunct Professor of the Medicine Course at UFMA-DEMED III (2018). Master in Oncology from USP. PhD in Collective. View more
Adjunct Professor Dept. FM Gynecology and Obstetrics at UFMG. Master's and pHd from UFMG. Coordinator of the Medical Residency in Mastology at HC-UFMG.
Full member of SBM. Master and Doctor in Surgery by UFPE. HBL Mastology and Breast Reconstruction Service. Coordinator of the breast reconstruction course at Unicap HCP
Titular Assistant Physician of the Oncogynecology and Mastology Service of the Instituto of Cancer Dr. Arnaldo Vieira de Carvalho. Full Physician at the Oncology and Hematology Center of the Beneficência Portuguesa Hospital of São Paulo. PhD in Medicine from the Faculty of Medical Sciences of Santa Casa de São Paulo.
Mastologist and Clinical Oncologist. Department of GO - HC - FMRP – USP. Full member SBM, SBOC, ASCO and ESMO. Systemic Treatment Commission Coordinator - SBM – SP.
Physiotherapist. PhD in Oncology at AC Camargo Cancer Center. Master in Health Technology from PUCPR. Specialist in Women's Health - COFFITO/ABRAFISM. Specialist in Oncological Physiotherapy - COFFITO/ABFO. View more
Mastologist at Unicamp and Clínica FEMME Campinas PhD at Unicamp
Degree in Medicine from the Federal University of Alagoas (1999), medical residency (lato sensu specialization) in Internal Medicine (1999-2001) and Clinical Oncology, with emphasis on the diagnosis and treatment of onco-hematological diseases and solid tumors. View more
PhD from FMUSP. Mastologist, Gynecologist, Obstetrician. Titular Professor of Gynecology. FMJ - Sao Paulo - Brazil. President of the Public Policy Department of the Brazilian Society of Mastology - 2020-2022. View more
Head of the Department of Oncogenetics at A.C. Camargo Cancer Center.
PhD FM/UFG. Adjunct Professor at UFG. Mastologist HC/UFG.
Retired Full Professor at UFG Pathologist and Cytopathologist by the Brazilian Societies of Pathology and Cytopathology. Pathologist emeritus by the Brazilian Society of Pathology. PhD in Pathology from USP- São Paulo. Training in Mammary Pathology in Coimbra and in Surgical Pathology by Mayo Clinic- Rochester USA.
Bachelor of Biological Sciences (PUCRS). PhD in Medical Sciences from UFRGS with a sandwich period at the German Research Cancer Center (DKFZ, Heidelberg). View more
Physiotherapist, researcher, PhD in Health Sciences from the Federal University of Goiás, Specialist in Oncology and Dermatofunctional Physiotherapy.
Mastologist, Oncological Surgeon. Master in Medicine, PhD in Sciences FUMUSP; Postdoctoral in Mastology, FM.Botucatu. View More
Oncologist at the Specialized Center in Oncology at Hospital Alemão Oswaldo Cruz. Master in Molecular Oncology. President of the Technical-Scientific Council of FEMAMA.
Graduated in Pharmacy and Biochemistry from the Faculty of Pharmacy of the Federal University of Goiás (1991) and Specialization in Clinical Cytology (1994) from the same institution. She holds a Master's degree in Pathology (1999). View more
Graduated in Biological Sciences Medical Modality from the Catholic University of Goiás (1981), Master in Molecular Biology - University of Victoria - Canada (1994) and PhD in Sciences (Human Physiology) from the University of São Paulo (2004). View more
Subject to change
Graduated in Medicine from the Federal University of Maranhão (1996). Adjunct Professor of the Medicine Course at UFMA-DEMED III (2018). Master in Oncology from USP. PhD in Collective Health PPGSC-UFMA. Oncological Surgeon by A.C. Camargo Cancer Center. Mastologist by the Brazilian Society of Mastology. Member of Grupo Eva (Brazilian Group of Oncological Tumors). Member of the European Society of Medical Ongology (ESMO). Observership Breast Unit – Champalimaud Foundation / Lisbon-PT.
Physiotherapist. PhD in Oncology at AC Camargo Cancer Center. Master in Health Technology from PUCPR. Specialist in Women’s Health – COFFITO/ABRAFISM. Specialist in Oncological Physiotherapy – COFFITO/ABFO. Specialist in Acupuncture – COFFITO. Specialization in Human Sexuality – CERTRO. Professor at the University of Vale do Itajaí (UNIVALI) Itajaí-SC since 2002. Office in Brusque-SC.
Degree in Medicine from the Federal University of Alagoas (1999), medical residency (lato sensu specialization) in Internal Medicine (1999-2001) and Clinical Oncology, with emphasis on the diagnosis and treatment of onco-hematological diseases and solid tumors (2001-2004 ) by the National Cancer Institute/INCA – MS. Title of Specialist in Clinical Cancerology by AMB/SBC (2004). Assistant Physician and Preceptor of Medical Residency in Clinical Oncology at Hospital das Clínicas de São Paulo/USP (2004-2006). Master’s Degree in Oncology (2008) from the University of São Paulo (USP). Assistant Physician at the Clinical Oncology Service at the Hospital do Câncer de Pernambuco from July/2008 to March/2013. Coordinator of the Committee for Ethics in Research Involving Human Beings of the Pernambuco Society of Combat/Hospital de Câncer de Pernambuco from May/2009 to March/2013. Coordinator of the Clinical Research Center of the Hospital do Câncer de Pernambuco from May/2010 to March/2013. Preceptor of Medical Residency in Clinical Oncology at Hospital das Clínicas da UFPE since 2015. Member of the Brazilian Society of Clinical Oncology (SBOC), American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO), European Society of Medical Oncology (ESMO) and American Association for Cancer Research (AACR). Training in Medical Residency Preceptorship (2020) by Hospital Alemão Oswaldo Cruz/PROADI-SUS/MS. PhD in Applied Biology to Health (PhD) from the Federal University of Pernambuco (2018). Head of the Oncology and Hematology Unit at Hospital das Clinicas/EBSERH/UFPE(from July/2019 to July/2021). Graduate/Specialization in Clinical Research by UNISA-SP (2021) with Training Course in Clinical Research (2016) by Hospital Alemão Oswaldo Cruz/PROADI-SUS/MS. Graduate/Specialist in Breast Oncology at the Albert Eistein Teaching and Research Institute – Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein-SP (2021) Adjunct Professor (Superior Teaching) of Medicine (2022) at the Center for Medical Sciences/Faculty of Medicine of Recife – University Federal of Pernambuco (UFPE). Researcher at LIKA Institute (Kenzo Asami Immunopathology Laboratory) – UFPE since 2019). Head of the Care Management Division of the Health Care Management at Hospital das Clínicas-UFPE/EBSERH (since August/2021). Areas of interest: Study of Breast Neoplasms, Genitourinary Tumors, Biomarkers, Molecular Targeted Therapies, Clinical Trials, and Predictive Factors of Response to oncological therapies.
PhD from FMUSP. Mastologist, Gynecologist, Obstetrician. Titular Professor of Gynecology. FMJ – Sao Paulo – Brazil. President of the Public Policy Department of the Brazilian Society of Mastology – 2020-2022. President of SOGIA Br (Brazilian Society of Child and Adolescent Gynecology) – 2019-2023. Postgraduate Course Coordinator at IEP Hospital Sírio Libanes. Member of the CNE (National Specialized Commission) for Child and Puberal Gynecology at FEBRASGO
Bachelor of Biological Sciences (PUCRS). PhD in Medical Sciences from UFRGS with a sandwich period at the German Research Cancer Center (DKFZ, Heidelberg). Postdoc in Pharmaceutical Biotechnology at Ludwig-Maximillians University (LMU, Munich). Researcher at Ziel Biosciences, and collaborating researcher at the Breast Group at Hospital São Lucas at PUCRS.
Graduated in Pharmacy and Biochemistry from the Faculty of Pharmacy of the Federal University of Goiás (1991) and Specialization in Clinical Cytology (1994) from the same institution. She holds a Master’s degree in Pathology (1999) from the University of Brasília, and a PhD in Obstetrics and Gynecology from the Faculty of Medical Sciences of the State University of Campinas (2005). She also has the Title of Specialist in Clinical Cytology by the Brazilian Society of Clinical Cytology. She concluded her postdoctoral studies at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the Faculty of Medical Sciences at the State University of Campinas in 2011 and has been a Collaborating Researcher in this department at UNICAMP since 2010. She is currently Full Professor in Clinical Cytology at the Faculty of Pharmacy at the Federal University of Goiás. Has experience in research in the area of clinical cytology, pathology, oncological gynecology, biological markers, squamous and glandular lesions induced by the human papillomavirus, sexually transmitted diseases, molecular biology, uterine cervix cancer, breast cancer, penile cancer, head cancer and neck. She was coordinator of the Graduate Program in Health Care and Assessment (2018-2020) at the Federal University of Goiás (UFG). She supervised 10 scientific initiation students with scholarships, 13 master’s students and 7 doctoral students from the Graduate Program in Tropical Medicine at (UFG) and acted as co-supervisor in 3 master’s and 5 doctoral students in the Graduate Program in Obstetrics and Gynecology from the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP). She also supervised two master’s dissertations by the Program and Graduate Program in Assistance and Health Assessment (UFG). She supervised a postdoctoral fellowship. Currently, she advises 4 doctoral students in the Postgraduate Program in Tropical Medicine and 2 Master’s students, one in the Postgraduate Program in Tropical Medicine and the other in the Postgraduate Program in Health Assistance and Evaluation. She coordinated and still coordinates projects with regional and national funding by the Goiás State Research Support Foundation (FAPEG) and CNPq. She regularly publishes in journals indexed in pubmed/medline and/or Lilacs, having 41 articles indexed in Medline/pubmed with an H-index of 14 (Web of Science-2021). She is a regular reviewer for Diagnostic Cytolpathology, RBGO, Acta Cytologica, Plos One.
Graduated in Biological Sciences Medical Modality from the Catholic University of Goiás (1981), Master in Molecular Biology – University of Victoria – Canada (1994) and PhD in Sciences (Human Physiology) from the University of São Paulo (2004). She is currently an adjunct professor at the Pontifical Catholic University of Goiás and advises on work at the Graduate Program in Environmental Sciences and Health at PUC Goiás. She is a professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics, working mainly on the following topics: Molecular Genetics of Cancer, with emphasis on detection and genotyping of HPV in cancers associated with the virus; Molecular markers associated with breast cancer, sarcomas and thyroid carcinomas. It uses molecular markers for molecular epidemiology studies of cancer.