- Only breast cancer-related original unpublished papers will be accepted.
- Each paper must contain the preferred type of presentation, whether oral or poster.
- Each paper must choose the subdivision in which it fits, whether Basic Research, Translational Research, Epidemiology / Imaging, Locoregional treatment (includes rehabilitation) and Systemic treatment.
- Abstract formatting:
– Use spacing 1 with font 10 (Times New Roman). Leave 1.5 cm margins on both sides and justify the text.
– Maximum number of words: 300 (not including title, authors, institution and keywords). – Do not use paragraphs. If abbreviations and acronyms are used, these are to be explained the first time they appear in the text. Do not start sentences with numerals.
– Do not use tables or diagrams. These may be displayed on the day of the oral presentation or in the poster text.
– Text division must be in the following order: title, authors, institution, objectives, methodology, results, conclusion, keywords. This structure is not necessary for case reports.
- Authors:
– A maximum of eight authors (one author and seven coauthors) per paper is admitted.
– The author submitting the abstract must be registered for the event and have paid it integrally.
– The presenting author must also be registered for the event and have paid it integrally.
– The authors should be cited by full name, separating the authors’ names by commas. E.g.: Antônio Batista Silva, Fábio Gomes Santos.
– Service where the work was carried out, without using abbreviations and informing the city, state and country.
– Submission of abstracts EXCLUSIVELY in ENGLISH.
– The keywords should be in compliance with the DeCs | MeSH.
- Papers should be submitted through the website
- Deadline for submissions: April, 3.
- The Judging Committee will select only the papers relevant to the scientific community.
- All papers will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee, which will approve or not their presentation. Due to physical limitations for presentations, the Committee also reserves the right to reschedule certain papers from one session to another, depending on availability of time and space.
- The authors of selected papers will be notified in advance by e-mail.
- The best papers will be selected for oral presentation, according to the judgment of the Evaluation Committee. The other papers will be presented as commented posters and e-posters, during the specific session.
Sole paragraph: The authors presenting the 15 best papers will be awarded air ticket and accommodation if Brazilians, or accommodation if from other countries.
- Each lecturer will have 10 (ten) minutes for the oral presentation of their work, with Data Show, followed by 05 (five) minutes of debate with questions from the audience.
- The best posters will be discussed in commented poster sessions. The organization will inform the main author about the presentation, which is to last up to 3 minutes, followed by 12 minutes of discussion.
- The approved papers must be presented exclusively in English, but the presentation speech may be in Portuguese.
- In case of a poster, it must be sent in e-poster format in power point jointly with a 3-minute explanatory video.
- Papers that do not follow the instructions will be automatically excluded.
- If the paper submitted is rejected, the registration fee will not be refunded, except for those who requested a refund on the date informed on the online registration tab.
- The best paper will be awarded with the “Professor José Aristodemo Pinotti” award, and the presenting author will be awarded air ticket, accommodation and registration to the San Antonio 2023 in Texas / USA. The best paper in Locoregional Treatment will be awarded with the “Professor Carlos Inácio de Paula” award in the amount of R$ 5,000.00 (five thousand reais). The cash award will be paid upon acceptance and presentation of the paper.
- There will also be the “Professor Claudio Kemp” award for the best paper in Epidemiology / Imaging. The presenting author will be awarded air ticket, accommodation and registration for the Jornada Paulista de Mastologia – JPM 2023 | Congresso Brasileiro de Mastologia 2023.
- Another award is the Sicoob Unicentro Br, aimed at the best research work carried out in Brazil, with the author being 45 years old or younger on the date of the paper submission, i.e., born from 1978 onwards. The best paper in this category will be awarded R$ 5,000.00 (five thousand reais).
- The best work in Systemic Treatment will be awarded R$ 5.000,00 (five thousand reais) to be paid upon acceptance and presentation of the paper.
- The best paper in Translational Research will be awarded R$ 2.000,00 (two thousand reais) to be paid upon acceptance and presentation of the paper.
- The best paper in Basic Research will be awarded R$ 2.000,00 (two thousand reais), to be paid upon acceptance and presentation of the paper.
- Awards are not cumulative.
- All approved abstracts will be published in a supplement of the Mastology journal.
- Evaluation criteria:
A. Study Methods
– Systematic review of randomized studies with meta-analysis, registration in PROSPERO and PRISMA/PICOTS methodology.
Randomized experimental studies with registration in ReBEC/ and CONSORT methodology.
– Systematic review of randomized studies, with meta-analysis.
Molecular – Studies in “omics” (genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics).
Randomized experimental studies.
– Systematic review of randomized studies, without meta-analysis.
Systematic review of non-randomized studies, with meta-analysis.
Molecular, functional (in vitro/in vivo).
Non-randomized experimental studies.
– Systematic review of non-randomized studies, without meta-analysis.
Molecular – Biomarkers identification (with validation methodology). Prospective cohort and case-control studies with sample calculation.
– Ecological, cross-sectional, and retrospective cohort studies.
Studies using clinical or molecular databases.
Prospective cohort and case-control studies without sample calculation.
– Integrative or non-systematic review.
Case series.
Molecular – Descriptive studies without validation or control group.
– Case report.
Study in animal models and other in vitro studies.
– Experts’ consensus and opinion.
B. Research ethics:
– Approval by Ethics Committee;
– No need for a Research Ethics Committee according to resolution 466;
– No description or evaluation by Ethics Committee.
C. Study Design/Presentation:
– Adequate description of the study with clear and reproducible methodology, consistent results and adequate conclusion, compatible with data presented.
– Adequate description, with clear and reproducible methodology, consistent results, but inadequate conclusion.
– Adequate description of the study, with clear and reproducible methodology, but with inconsistent results and inadequate conclusion.
– Adequate description of the study, but with weak methodology. Inconsistent results and inadequate (incompatible) conclusion.
– Inadequate description of the study. Severe flaws in the introduction, methodology, results, and conclusions.
– Not applicable. Methodology and / or results not described.
D. Originality
– Unpublished – new interpretation of the concept.
– Ratifies known concept, but of optional use.
– Ratifies classical concept of daily use.
E. Originality
– In the study subgroup, in clinical practice and/or social practice.
– In the study subgroup.
– No clinical applicability or does not fit.
F. Inform in the abstract submission if you have a registration on the platform, PROSPERO, REBEC, or similar.